More About Beth

Beth Andrews, CHC, AFMC
The revelation I had some potentially serious genetic issues set me on a path of discovery that led straight to functional medicine. Once I learned more about the importance of balance in my body, I was able to tackle the biggest chronic condition I have ever had—my skin issues.
I have been plagued with some pretty severe skin diseases. I had suffered from psoriasis since childhood, and, as an adult, I developed some of the worst rosacea I had ever seen—worse than most cases I came across in my research. It started as acne on my face, then broken capillaries started developing and then it also developed into ocular rosacea (basically giant boils inside my eyelids) and eventually my entire face turned into a sea of red patches when I got nervous or drank wine. Good times!
Over the years, I tried every ointment, cream, and antibiotic available. But nothing ever worked for more than a short time. Once I was immersed in functional medicine, I began to realize that I didn't need to live with these unwanted health problems, including bad skin.
In fact, after healing my gut and balancing my microbiome, I now have ABSOLUTELY NO SKIN ISSUES! Not a single spot of acne or a single patch of psoriasis. People who suffer from skin disorders can understand what a heavy burden has been lifted off my shoulders.
Now, it's my turn to help others do the same.